Group brand identity

FiveTen Group

Following a change of name from the Greythorn Group, The Five Ten Group represents a family of the world’s fastest-growing recruitment consultancies in the fields of specialist and professional recruitment.

The work

Brand strategy • Brand identity suite

The brief

We were approached by the Greythorn Group to develop a family of brands that had very strong links with each other. The design solution needed to use a single symbol across the family with a simple colour change to create variety in the group.

The solution

The abstract shaped symbol device was created as a link between the group companies and is representative of their core business, the movement of people. The logo structure was supported by a dynamic suite of fresh colours and a classic typographic naming execution.

The results

It was important that the solution was flexible enough for the group to grow and develop within time. The brand has been well received by the market and recent acquisitions for the Five Ten Group have already been incorporated into the brand family.