Brand Identity

Customer Value Group

Rel Technologies re-branded to The Customer Value Group (CVG).

The work

Branding • Stationery • Website

The brief

Firedog was required to quickly and effectively re-brand REL-Technologies – A financial services company – due to the recent acquisition of REL Consultancy by The Hacket Group in the US. Firedog’s remit extended to: Brand strategy & naming the consultancy • New core identity • New visual look & feel • Website design • Office signage

The solution

The new identity we created for CVG is strategically relevant as upon closer inspection one should readily identify a 3D box within the overall icon. This was designed to mimic the objective of CVG as a business due to the fact that they assist large companies in identifying and managing valuable customer relationships.

The results

We developed a strong visual icon for the brand that will eventually become synonymous with CVG and the process of identifying customer value within organisations.