Case Studies

Dynamic property intelligence web application created for Savills IM

Firedog has been commissioned to create a research focused online web application for Savills Investment Management. This follows the successful brand identity project already completed for the property business.

Dynamic cities is a global city analysis initiative which operates as both a web application and a corporate communications platform. It ranks the top 40 European cities across 6 categories according to their overall investiblity. Categories include such concepts as Infrastructure, Inspiration and Innovation.

Dynamic Cities

Savills has a comprehensive European research team. Their roles is to investigate the investment potential of cities across the EU and the world. The website has been created to promote the business’s skills in research – and their holistic understanding of the global property marketplace. The site includes a navigable map of the region, with cities ranked according to the scores across the various categories. There is a city view where the user is able to drill down into a particular city in order to understand the investment potential. Short snappy insights provide a cultural peek into what makes the city unique. Each category features a number of sub categories which are weighted in order to generate the final score. Users of the site are also able to do a cheeky “head to head” between cities to quickly compare how one ranks over the other. We thought it would be nice touch to have folks gamify against each other.

City Page for Berlin

The web application provides a radial chart with detailed categories and subcategories across a number of fascinating criteria

The inspiration category

The category page explains in detail exactly how the scores are accumulated. There is an introduction video and a category specific ranking alongside the content.

The platform has been built on custom bootstrap environment for security and to provide a structure for the many complex calculations required. The site subtly implies the Savills Investment Management branding by using the extended brand colour palette as well as typography and overall look and feel. The site has been a great success with the generation of over 150 offline and online articles in the press. Within social media, it has secured 100,000 interactions on LinkedIn and Twitter.


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