Grey matters
The Chip Shop Awards – Our War on Want
You can see from the post below that we can at times be quite a cynical bunch – What would you expect from a bunch of artistes after all? However, in order to placate our ethical feelings of injustice in this world we also contributed an advert with a deeper meaning.
With the launch of the iPad 2, we will again witness the subsequent frenetic (and pointless) queing around the block. We believe that our fellow citizens, particularly in the creative industries – Need to have a good hard look at their consumerism. Now, it would be silly for a digital agency like ourselves to poo-poo technology. That’s not our objective. What we want to say is this: If Apple have not bothered to put effort into their new product and make it NOTICEABLY different and you are sitting with a perfectly functioning iPad 1 on your desk; What are you doing buying a new one for ? The world around you has far greater needs. Media types need a reality check. You are still human and you still need to realise that you need to make a difference before you die – Beyond maybe your latest twinkly app. Take heed.
If we have struck you in any kind of way – Please have a look at War on Want and fork out on your species and not on Job’s empire.

Firedog believes that some needs are less, needed.
Our concept focuses on the montage of two very different types of queues. One driven out of pure need. One driven out of selfish want. The message? It’s time for you to Need Less.

We applied our concept to the Lenticular format
We thought an outdoor lenticular would work well with the campaign. Flash ad boys in their convertible motors whizzing past would be presented with a message that hopefully changed their perspective.

Crowdsourcing creativity
{In a completely ironic turn of events, we crowdsourced the copy in the advert via facebook friends and I would like to say ta to everyone – And up yours to those who were too busy with their noses in their iPads at the time}