
It’s marketing, but I like it.

Buzz!I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about this concept already, if not allow me to create a buzz around it.

If it’s not music companies paying the humble busker on the street to play the latest release, it’s a couple in the pub shouting and lording about the latest Vespa. It’s hardly a new concept but one that I’d not knowingly encountered before.

So I’m in the Blue Posts pub in Soho last night where I bump into a friend of mine, Daisy, who works in the film industry (darling). In between catching up and hearing about the latest film release she’s working on, I notice her two friends have been faffing with a new mobile phone. �I can’t get the 3G to work� �Is the 3G working on your phone?�

Looking at the latest mobile offering from Samsung I produced my own, more dated version.

�Oh, yours hasn�t got any G, never mind 3�, I’m told, as they turned back to the instruction manual to figure out how to truly get the best out of the thing.

Daisy then goes on to explain that they had been given the phones, free of charge, by one of her friends who, incidentally, works for an advertising agency. It then occurred to me; I�d been sucked in.

I�d actually sat there watching them play with their new toys. I listened to their ramblings. I watched intently, longingly at their the very slick looking, desirable phones. It crossed my mind that I too needed a phone upgrade (mine is merely 3 months old now).

Would an ad have had the same impact? I doubt it. I know it�s wrong. Manipulative even. But I like it. Lots.

All I now need to do is let Bang & Olufsen know I�ll happily create a buzz around their products�.

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