
Cracking the brief

Jamesons urban golfIn the cynical and over~hyped world of marketing, it’s still good to see a simple idea nicely executed. Fortunately the words: “Mmm, I’m not sure we have budget for bespoke displays… could we have a thousand flyers instead” are not always heard across the creative meeting rooms of London. The marketing to which I am referring is for Jameson’s urban golf promotion which is taking place across Shoreditch’s ‘gritty streets, car parks and building sites’ in collaboration with the Shoreditch golf club.Jamesons urban golf The image attached shows a nice three dimensional application attached to various glass surfaces across the north east of the city. It managed to grab my battle weary eye, at least for a second. Golf fundamentalists can stop sniggering now, the club is a tongue-in-cheek version of a normal country club, yet viciously transplanted into the urban arena with a silly spin on the rules of the game. I think this type of behaviour is really daft and should be eagerly encouraged by all. Smashing stuff… I

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