Stop Press
Firedog undertakes Harneys rebranding
Firedog wins contract to rebrand leading international offshore law firm after a three-way credentials pitch held in London…

Harneys is consistently ranked as the leading law firm in the jurisdiction by the major international legal directories and provide legal services to many high-profile clients worldwide. Firedog designed bespoke quantitative online surveys to glean insight into current perceptions of the company in order to create differentiation within the legal market.
With the research now complete, the design stage is well underway in the studio, drawing influences from the company’s exotic location and well established reputation.
Once the core messaging and new positioning is fully realised, Firedog will roll out the new visual look and feel across all marketing and internal collateral, including their corporate website.
STOP PRESS: Firedog appointed to generate bespoke photography for new Harney’s visual look & feel. Firedog will be working with renowned aerial artistry photographer, Ray Massey. See: for photographers portfolio.